December 10, 2006

Death to Candygrams

I hate candy grams. I've done a lot of organizing for this stupid thing, and it starts on Monday, and we're not even close to being ready. And if it flops, the group that I'm working with will take the fall. And I, being the one who organized most of the whole stupid thing, will feel completely guilty. I wish Weiss had given us more notice. But all is said and done now.

It's starting to feel like Christmas. We're actually thinking about getting our tree soon, and my banquet dress is almost finished. I don't know if I'll look as good as Squid predicts, but we'll see. I love the fabric, though. Almost Gothic in colour, which I'm not in any way, but it contrasts against my pale skin. Not pale because I spend all my time inside, but because I don't tan.

Math class on Friday was fun. At least, I enjoyed it. I spent a lot of the class catching up with the other kids that I haven't talked to in years. It's really weird how much they changed after not seeing them all the time for two years. So strange, but some of them look exactly the same and the others look completely different. Plus I realized that all the guys that used to have to look up to talk to me now have to look down. Even guys like Alec who was way shorter than me a couple years ago.

Now the weekend's almost over, but it's okay. It's been semi-relaxing.

Oh, I found out that my cousin, whom I'm tutoring in French, got an A on his last test, so his mom is taking the two of us out to a movie over the Christmas break. I'm so proud of him. ~wipes away tear~

Also, my parents and I decided to stop accupuncture because it was costing a lot of money ($60 a session) and not causing any improvement. We're thinking about seeing a doctor in Vancouver that specializes in neurokinesis. Prayer would be much appreciated as we contemplate the next step in all of this. Thanks!

Shevbash. ~Kurdish


Aurum said...

I hope the candy grams go well. And don't feel guilty if it doesn't work out, it's not your fault. You were sort of told to do it, not volenetter(sp?). I'm glad your cousin got the A. And uh forgive me for sounding stupid but what does 'neurokinesis' mean?

Ignis said...

Thanks. Neurokinesis is related to the way the brain controls movement, I believe. All I know is that that's what the doctor specializes in. Not really sure of its exact meaning.

Kaeli said...

Well, it sounds about right. Neuro, brain, and kinesis, movement. I'd say that's a pretty good guess. The spelling for that is volunteer, Haze. I love candy grams. I'm sure everything will work out. Nobody else knows how things are supposed to be, so if something goes wrong we won't know about it. We'll just have fun with it.

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't worry if the candy grams don't work out. No one will blame you. It's a tough job. I had to help organize the rose sales for Valentines day for the middle school last year, and it wasn't easy. So don't fret. *chuckles* I love that word. : ) Hey! You look so good in your dress!! Don't worry. And Kaeli, I saw you in a pic of last year's banquet. You look GORGEOUS!!!!! Everyone will look awesome this year, I'm sure of it. : ) BTW, why didn't I know about the neurokinesis thing?? I'm so out of the loop. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Jacqui, I'm assuming. I suppose you're going to the Christmas banquet too? Anyways, congrats on the tutoring achievement, on both your parts. Hopefully the neurokinesis and such works...sorry your acupuncture didn't work...

I feel as if I've spelt that wrong. I'm spelling stuff wrong today...

And have fun with the candy grams...maybe I'll buy some, maybe I won't...I don't know yet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steph.
Ya, it is me. I'm going to the Christmas banquet, too. What do you mean by the tutoring achievement?? I'm so lost!! :0

Anonymous said...

She's talking about Lindsay's tutoring person who got an A on his French test. Lindsay was excited about it. Keep up with the times, here, Jacqui:P

Kaeli Unruh

gabe said...

I hope the neurokinesis will work too. I would be happy to pray. You'll look lovely. Is your mom making your dress? if so that is super cool. Maybe i'm slightly out of it too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Kaeli. You're so 'uplifting'. LOL. Just kidding!! : ) Thanks for keeping me updated though, since a 'certain' sister isn't. Geez, older siblings eh? ;)

Anonymous said...

I know. Totally unreliable. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier is they would all just disappear. Haha. Or not. Then our little club would be really boring. And I think I'd miss my siblings, deep deep deep deep deep deep deepdeepdeep down.


Anonymous said...

Ya, aren't they? It would be much easier if they just disappeared, but then who would we bug?? That would totally defeat the purpose of our little club, now wouldn't it? : ) I think I might miss her somewhere in some deep dark place that no on knows about and that no one will be able to find. LOL. Just kidding sis!!

Anonymous said...

Hm. I noticed, dear Jacqui, that your previous comment was a replica of my own, only in your own words....Glad we share the same sentiments, though.


Anonymous said...

Hey, now that I look at it, it is the same. Oops! I didn't read it over before posting it. I was more confirming what you said than anything else. Can't wait until tonight!! It's gonna be so much fun!!

Kaeli said...

It was awesome. It was one of the more fun evenings in my memory. I'm glad you had a good time, Jacqui.

Anonymous said...

Ya, the banquet was so awesome! You all looked so pretty!! The after party was fun, too.

Kaeli said...

It was a blast! You guys are all awesome. What a group.

Anonymous said...

Ya, your group of friends are awesome!! They're all so nice. I'm glad that you and my friends got a long. I was worried about any arguing that might have gone on. I don't know what I was worried about. You're all awesome!!

Kaeli said...

I think the only issue was that a few girls talked through a lot of the movie. That can get really annoying, but overall it was an awesome evening.

Anonymous said...

Ya, I know. They do that a lot, but it still was great (like you said). Well, Merry Christmas!!!

Aurum said...

Lindsay, are you ever going to update?