October 18, 2006

Weird Families and Number Puzzles

I had another acupuncture appointment yesterday. There are still marks on my arms and hands where the needles were put in. It looks really funny, for some reason. I have the little acupuncture bead-type things in my left ear again. Six, according to Kaeli.

I'm beginning to realize how weird my family is. No need to go into the details, but we're a messed up bunch. I love them anyways.

Must have been my first mistake.

Math class today was a lot of fun. IT didn't make any comments, either. We had a quiz, and the teacher gave us a number puzzle afterwards. I took a little longer to do the quiz than normal, and so I got the number puzzle a bit later than most people. And I . . . kinda finished it before everyone else. And considering I'm a year younger than 90% of the people in my class, it looked kind of weird when I asked if we had to hand it in. So, yeah, everyone was kind of looking at me funny. It was great.

Oh, for those of you who don't know who IT is, he happens to be the bane of my existence. Thankfully, he is a year older than me and I only see him in math class, but he is an enormous pain.

Cardinals won last night. I'm quite happy. And Pujols hit his first homer of the series. Yeah.

Late volleyball practice today. And then tutoring. Ick. I don't get home until 8:00. But it's a four day weekend, so I can sleep in.

Gabe's birthday was yesterday. Happy Birthday, darling!! Can't wait until your party this weekend!

Xaire. ~Ancient Greek


Aurum said...

Sounds interessting. And all families are weird. I still don't understand who IT is, probobly don't even know him so *shrugs*...

gabe said...
